Resources for E-filing

IRS Resources

The IRS issues various form instructions, notices, and publications that contain requirements for filing individual and business tax returns electronically. We recommend that you review the following resources before you begin e-filing:

  • IRS and state instructions for 1040 forms
  • IRS and state instructions for 1065 forms
  • IRS and state instructions for 1120, 1120-F and 1120S forms
  • IRS and state instructions for 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF and 1120-POL forms
  • IRS and state instructions for 940, 941, and 944 forms
  • Information for IRS e-file providers: enter in your Internet browser.
  • Publication 1345, Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers of Individual Income Tax Returns
  • Publication 4163, Modernized e-File (MeF) Information for Authorized IRS e-file Providers for Business Returns

Government Forms and Instructions

To download IRS form instructions, notices, and publications, enter into your Internet browser.

Wolters Kluwer, CCH Small Firm Services

Additional resources are available on the MyATX Solution Center site:

To access the site, go to

Revenue Procedure/Technical E-file Publications

To download the revenue procedure and e-file specific publications, visit